The Building and Civil Engineering Contractors Association (BACECA) is a trade union of contractors officially registered in December 1996. Its main objective is to promote, protect and defend the interests of its members. The association consists of 12 Local contractors as of January 2018. All its members are registered with the Construction Industry Development Board: 8 Grade A, 3 Grade B and 1 Grade.
BACECA is the sole association of contractors that has been duly represented on the CIDB Council since its establishment under the CIDB Act of 2008. Its members also sit on the different committees and sub-committees set up by this statutory body.
BACECA is a Partner Member of Business Mauritius since the 1st October 2015. It has a seat on the National Council of this new entity, on which it represents the overall interests of the Construction Industry thereon.
BACECA contributes to several issues directly linked to the overall interests of its members, for example:
1. Discussions, consultations and requests submitted to Government during preparation of the National Budget;
2. Discussions and submissions of its views and observations to the required Authority on legislation being proposed to regulate operations in the construction industry, including issues of payment to contractors, health and safety, erection and dismantling of scaffolds, etc.
3. Participation in national projects launched to provide adequate training to the local labour force in order to make them more productive and performing and also to attract youngsters to the Industry;
4. Participation in all projects geared towards environmental issues; and
5. Conducting negotiations at the industry level with trade unions of employees and other instances such as the National Remuneration Board with a view to maintaining good and harmonious industrial relations overall.
Over the years, BACECA has demonstrated that it promotes, protects and defends the interests of contractors generally.