When an individual just started his own business, it might be difficult for them to navigate and understand how this market functions, and very often we can see that some businesses close down after two years because they did not have access to the right information and resources. Therefore, it is important to foster entrepreneurship to create an environment where potential businesses can have access to proper support to make their business successful.
The Business Association in Mauritius plays a crucial role in the life of entrepreneurs. They come up with diverse solutions to help them in their business ventures. Below you will find the ways they achieve this:
Firstly, we have the National Women Entrepreneur Council (NWEC) that aims to foster a culture where women are accepted in business, and promote the expansion of women owned-business. The NWEC provides a variety of services such as training, fairs, exhibits, and access to counselling.
These services will help women in numerous ways, for example: business counselling will help potential and existing women entrepreneurs to have a well designed business plan, information on business permits, and licence. There is also a dedicated platform where women can share and exchange on theirexperience, and facilities that are offered to both existing and potential women entrepreneurs. This platform is called “Women Talk business forum”.
Secondly, The Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry regularly organise events, seminars, and conferences. These types of events allow new entrepreneurs to meet with successful businessmen that can provide them with guidance, and tips for their own business. It is also a way to make friends and support other businesses, and talk about issues and trends on the market.
Additionally, the small and medium enterprises (SME) offers a wide range of programmes and activities, with the aim of enhancing the skills and knowledge of small businesses. These include topics such as: digital Marketing, management, strategies that can be set, management and finance.
There are other organisations and businesses who are working on ways to foster entrepreneurship on the island.
If you want to dive into the topic of ‘Small and medium enterprises’ you can do so by clicking on the link, where you will be directed to the page.
Here are some benefits of fostering a culture of entrepreneurship:
- By helping other entrepreneurs, it can encourage and boost their confidence, and by exchanging with successful entrepreneurs it can help in boosting their creativity leading to new products or services being created to achieve customer satisfaction and gain sales, profit, and market share.
- Some Business Associations can promote potential entrepreneurs by using the media such as: website, newsletters, instagram, facebook, or during events, therefore this can increase the visibility of entrepreneurs and their business, helping them to gain access to a wider audience.
- By fostering entrepreneurship it can lead to economic growth and job creation, very often new businesses will start as small enterprises but as time goes on they will make a name and will be known by the public. Therefore, they will have to expand their business and hire local people to work with them, and in a way reduce unemployment and give a chance to individuals to enhance their skills.
- Promoting entrepreneurship may have a positive impact on community development. Entrepreneurs frequently take up issues such as environmental sustainability, education, and healthcare in their communities. For example: we have “Mauritius conscious travel” which encourages sustainable tourism practices that protect natural resources and help local people. This initiative advances the general growth and welfare of the Mauritian society.
To conclude, business associations in Mauritius play a huge role in fostering entrepreneurship from providing resources, support, to organising events where entrepreneurs feel valued, cared, this can help in the creation of successful businesses and contributes greatly to the economy and social development of Mauritius.