
To position Mauritius in the region as a world-class knowledge hub and the gateway for post-secondary education.


  1. Fostering Post-Secondary Education Development: The primary objective is to enhance the growth and quality of post-secondary education and training in Mauritius. This involves the continuous improvement of educational standards, curriculum development, and expanding access to higher education.
  2. Ensuring Regulatory Compliance: It is crucial to ensure that all educational institutions comply with the established regulatory framework. This guarantees that educational providers maintain high standards and deliver quality education.
  3. Promoting Research: Encouraging and facilitating research activities within the tertiary education sector is a key objective. This includes supporting research initiatives, promoting innovation, and fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and discovery.
  4. Managing Government Funds: Efficient and effective management of government funds allocated to the tertiary education sector is essential. This involves ensuring that funds are utilized optimally to enhance the quality of education and training, support research, and improve institutional infrastructure.


  1. Registering and Accrediting Institutions: The Authority is responsible for registering private universities and institutions offering post-secondary education in Mauritius. It also accredits their programmes to ensure they meet the required standards of quality and relevance.
  2. Quality Assurance and Audits: Periodic quality assurance and quality audit exercises are conducted for both private and public institutions. This ensures that these institutions maintain high standards of education and continuously improve their offerings.
  3. Recognizing Qualifications: Determining the recognition and equivalence of academic or professional qualifications obtained in or outside Mauritius is a vital function. This process ensures that qualifications are consistent with national standards and are globally recognized.
  4. Policy Advice: The Authority provides advice on policy matters related to post-secondary education, including the award of scholarships. This advice helps shape educational policies that promote excellence and accessibility in higher education.
  5. Fund Allocation and Monitoring: The Authority allocates and monitors the use of government funds by publicly funded institutions such as the University of Mauritius (UoM), the University of Technology, Mauritius (UTM), the Université des Mascareignes (UdM), the Open University of Mauritius (OU), the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI), and the Rabindranath Tagore Institute (RTI). Ensuring these funds are used effectively and efficiently is crucial for maintaining and improving the quality of education.
  6. Supporting Research Initiatives: The Authority implements research and research-related support schemes. This includes awarding scholarships for MPhil/PhD studies and postdoctoral fellowships. By supporting research initiatives, the Authority fosters innovation and advances knowledge in various fields.

By fulfilling these missions, objectives, and functions, Mauritius aims to position itself as a world-class knowledge hub and the leading gateway for post-secondary education in the region. This will not only enhance the country’s educational landscape but also contribute significantly to its economic and social development.